Player A | Player B | Player C | Player D | Player E |
9 10 12 13 11 | 14 16 16 13 16 | 19 18 16 14 18 | 15 17 19 17 17 | 13 12 13 12 15 |
Daniel, Blake, Houston, Michael, and Ryan often play a half-hour-long game of basketball. They keep track of the number of points each player has earned each game. The scores are listed above.
- The mean of both Daniel's and Blake's scores is 17.
- The median of Michael's scores is 3 less than the median of Houston's scores.
- The mean of Ryan's scores is less than the mean of any other player's scores. There is no mode of Ryan's scores.
- The mode of Daniel's scores is 1 more than the mode of Blake's scores.
- There is one player whose scores yield 2 modes.
Which scores belong to which player?
a- ryan
b- micheal
c- daniel
d- housten
BY: Kailyn Andrews
daniels scores is the letter e row ryans scores are b . Blakes scores are in the letter d .houstons are in A. michaels are in c this is by chelsie
The scores of set (A) belong to Ryan.
The scores of set (B) belong to Huston.
The scores of set (C) belong to Blake.
The scores of set (D) belong to Daniel.
The scores of set (E) belong to Michael
player a-ryan player b-blake
player c-houstan player d-daniel
player e-micheal
A Ryan
B Houstin
C Daniel
D Blake
E Michael
Brandon Nichols
Bekah Philllips
Ryan- Player A
Houston- Player B
Blake- Player C
Daniel- Player D
Michael- Player E
Player A= Ryan
Player B= Houston
Player C= Daniel
Player D= Blake
Player E= Micheal
Ryan is A
Houston is B
Daniel is C
Blake is D
Micheal is E
By: Reese Guill
Daniel is Player C.
Blake is Player D.
Houston is Player B.
Michael is Player E.
Ryan is Player A.
daniel- Player D
Blake- Player B
Houston- Player C
Michael- Player E
Ryan- Player A
daniel- Player D
Blake- Player B
Houston- Player C
Michael- Player E
Ryan- Player A
From Daniel,
A is Ryan, B is Michael, C is Daniel, D is Blake, and D is Houston.
P.S- Thanks for putting me in the blog again.
Ryan-Scores A. Daniel-scores d. Blake Scores-b. Michael scores c and Houston score c
Dakota Shugars
Ryan had Player A's scores, Houston had Player B's scores, Daniel had Player C's scores, Blake had Player D's scores, and Michael had Player E's scores.
-Samyuth Pinnegar
player a scores are ryan's.
player b scores are houston's.
player c scores are daniel's.
player d scores are blakes.
player e scores are michael's.
christian lindsey
Daniel is D
Blake is C
Houston is B
Michal is E
And Ryan is A
Blake's scores are set D. Daniel's scores are set C. Michael's scores are set E. Houston's scores were set B. Ryan's scores are set A.
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